Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy promotes health, well-being and independence through “occupation”,
meaning, the activities we need to do every day.
We address both physical and neurological functions to develop performance skills for functional use during activities in life that are important to you.
OT helps you participate and thrive in everyday life by addressing sensory, motor, social, behavioral and environmental issues. An infant’s occupations are sleeping, feeding, interacting with caregivers and exploring their environments with their hands and eyes.
As children grow, their primary jobs are are centered around playing, learning, socializing and developing skills to care for themselves. As a child grows into young adulthood, occupations expand to include preparation for employment and independent management of life skills.
Our treatments...
We often design a child’s treatment intervention around their most treasured occupation - play! With special emphasis on the integration of the nervous system, we offer a wide variety of play equipment to designed to develop and improve strength, balance, awareness of body position in space, coordination, physical and emotional regulation and fine and gross motor skills. Utilizing the principles of sensory integration, the ability of the nervous system to organize and regulate sensory functions, as the foundation for our interventions.
How Can OT Help?
- Help with learning basic care skills (like getting dressed and toileting)
- Feeding and oral motor needs
- Deficits in fine motor skills
- Development of age-appropriate handwriting skills
- Development of visual motor and perceptual skills (like tracking with the eyes and hand/eye coordination)
- Development of motor planning skills
- Support age-appropriate play and social skills
- Parent training/education
- Self-regulation and attention deficit
- Sensory integration issues
- Environmental adaptations
- Strength and endurance